If you want to bore everyone in the room, you can find no better place to set a scene than a boardroom. They're deadly. There are a number of reasons why you've just created a soft-spot in your script.
No one likes meetings. Dave Barry says,“Meetings are an addictive, highly self-indulgent activity that corporations and other large organizations habitually engage in only because they cannot masturbate.” People (your audience members) are likely to have attended a meeting or two that week and if they want to sit around and not masturbate, they can do that at work. People go to the movies for fantasy and escape. Keep your boardroom scene if it can deliver both of those two missions. You need to rethink the setting if you're not enabling some epic wish fulfillment.
Movies are about motion. Things need to be kinetic. A boardroom is a place where people go to sit and talk. Imagine Yoda trying to explain the Force to Luke by calling a meeting and sitting down to discuss it before attempting to levitate fighters out of the swamp. Throw in a Power Point presentation where slides illustrate the dynamics of the Force. How it moves through us and around us. How it's everywhere. Really try to imagine how this would go down... Now think about how it was shown in the film. They were doing stuff while they were debating stuff. Luke is upside down lifting rocks in the air while arguing why he's got to save his friends. Sit and talk = boring. Do and debate = interesting.

If you've got a boardroom scene, it better be set there because that's the worst possible place for your characters to be at that moment. Think about the words that are being spoken by your characters. Can they be said while careening through traffic in a car with no brakes? Or while levitating rocks while standing on their heads? Still sure you have to set it in the boardroom? Why? It better be for more than a sight gag or a joke. There better be earth shattering news delivered to your character that exposes their powerlessness.
If you're sure you need to keep this setting, you have your work cut out for you. It better be surprising, fresh, compelling, and real. Anything less is just a yawn.
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